Update Your STATUS
Remind Text Message Update
TRIO SSS provides participant with this text-based service to keep you engaged, provide quick reminders, and support you. Text based support is limited to general information.
If you have changed your cell phone number since registering with Remind, please update it so that you can continue to receive important information and updates.
Address Update
If any of the following applies to you, please update your address information.
- You have moved to a different residence hall
- You have moved to off-campus housing
- Your off-campus address has changed
Advising Services
At the core of the TRIO Student Support Services Program is the consistent and ongoing individual advising, whether academic, personal, or professional, upon which our participants can always rely.
While all students have an assigned major adviser, TRIO SSS participants also have a committed group of professional staff that helps supplement and reinforce the adviser’s information, such as registration procedures, making wise choices in selecting courses, and meeting various academic deadlines.
In particular, we can assist in creating a schedule that includes work and/or travel time, and other commitments, so that students’ schedules are realistic and challenging, but not overwhelming. The results are better grades, higher credit completion towards the degree and many steps closer to completing the Bachelor’s degree.
In addition, our advising services includes is helping students focus and direct their academic efforts towards their chosen area of interest as well as potential career goals. Along with the many other resources on campus, students see TRIO SSS advisers as a resource for discussing options, opportunities and possibilities.
TRIO provides assistance with all aspects of being a college student.
Advising Assignments
Each TRIO SSS staff member, including the director, has an assigned group of participants to monitor. It is with that adviser with whom students will have their semester check-ins. However, please know that you are free to connect with any of the staff at any time!
Yearly Expectations
The TRIO SSS Program expects the following from every active participant:
- Strive for 100% class attendance and 100% course completion.
- Strive maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.
- Attend tutoring sessions consistently as scheduled, and prepared to work.
- Attend mid-term evaluation sessions.
- Participate in at least one (1) cultural enrichment event per semester.
- Complete three (3) academic enrichment workshops.
- Contact TRIO SSS staff prior to withdrawal from UM for any reason, particularly in cases of financial difficulties.
First Year Academic Enhancement Track
While this is the most proactive, intrusive and intense level of service, it nonetheless helps you build the foundation upon which your academic success in the following years depend.
You and your TRIO SSS adviser will develop your Individual Graduation Plan (IGP), which will include the following activities:
- Academic skill-building activities based on the student’s needs as indicated in the Needs Assessment (study skills, time management. organizational skills, etc.)
- Individual tutoring until the student can demonstrate mastery of the course
- Orientation to University policies and student responsibilities
- Mandatory New Student Retreat
- Attend at least two workshops each semester.
- Two of the required workshops in the first year are the financial aid information and financial literacy.
- Read your emails from TRIO SSS
Second Year: Transition
Participants not only will continue to build on the skills and competencies learned in the freshman year but also they will learn to articulate the relationship between their education and their career goals. There are various career activities, such as choosing a major and career exploring activities as well as researching off-campus study opportunities.
Academic services continue in the areas of academic advising, re-assessing their Individual Graduation Plan, tutoring as needed, and monthly progress reports.
Third Year: Focus Forward
The Junior Year includes everything learned and experienced in the previous years, but participants will make more definite decisions about major, career, academic and student involvement goals, which will serve as a stepping-stone to future aspirations.
The focus will be on researching and securing internships or job-shadowing opportunities, career fairs, and consideration of graduate/professional school study. Academic services continue in the areas of academic advising and tutoring as needed. Students will re-evaluate their IGP to ensure that they are on track for graduation.
Many students may not actually have considered or even planned for, entering a graduate or professional school program. However, the TRIO SSS staff strongly believes that understanding what graduate school is, how it might figure into students’ future plans, and most importantly, knowledge of the intensive application process, is of significant value. Juniors are required to attend the graduate school information workshop.
Fourth Year: New Horizons
Fourth year students have important decisions to make. The focus will be on activities assisting them either in applying to and getting funding for graduate or professional study, and/or further career preparation. This may include graduate school informational fairs, graduate school visits, interviewing, professional portfolios, and networking. As in the previous tracks, students will continue to focus on academic advising, their IGP, and general progress.
Fourth year students are required to attend at least one workshop each semester, one of which must be a graduate school application, job search strategies, or interviewing workshop.
Resources and Services
Computer Lab and Study Center:
The Computer Lab/Study Center is open as follows:
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Printing and Copying:
All participants may print their academic work such as papers, syllabi, reports, etc. Additionally, copying is available for approved documents. Students may not copy entire chapters of a textbook!
Laptops, Textbooks, and Other Resources:
- Participants may check out laptops overnight or for up to a week for projects.
- TRIO SSS tries to provide a copy of most of the General Education textbooks for participants to use in the Study Center and for checkout overnight.
- Several scientific calculators, and headphones are available for use in the Study Center or for checkout for a limited time.
- Academic Skills Workshops are scheduled every Friday at 2:30 p.m., and address basic academic skills such as Time Management, Study Skills, Test Taking, Note Taking, and that are crucial to your continued success at UM. Our Peer Coaches facilitate the workshops under the supervision of Bree Roberts. Contact Bree Roberts for schedule.
- Follow TRIO SSS on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram for announcements and updates. You can also sign up to be added to our Remind text message program for announcements at this link: Remind Program.
All active participants have access to the TRIO Student Support Services Canvas resources. The information found in Canvas is current and constantly updated.
In Canvas you will find the following:
- TRIO SSS Workshops – Access to workshops related to academic and non-academic topics.
- TRIO SSS First Year Experience – Designed for first year participants to connect with each other and with their Peer Coach.
To enter:
- Log into ForUM
- Click on Canvas
- Click on Courses
- Click on the area you would like to enter
Please note: We encourage you to check to make sure you can view the TRIO SSS Canvas Page. However:
- It is also vital that you regularly check the email account that is linked to your Canvas account.
- If you do not see the TRIO SSS Canvas Page on your Canvas account, you may not receive important announcements.
- If you do not check the email account that you have linked to your Canvas account, you may not receive important announcements.
- If you have problems viewing the Canvas page, it is your responsibility to inform TRIO SSS so the difficulty can be addressed.
- Remember: Email is the official way of communication at the University of Montevallo. Keeping current with all important information UM communication is your responsibility.
Tutoring Support
TRIO SSS provides tutoring for most General Education courses, and when possible, several upper level classes. Our Peer Tutors cover a variety of subjects as requested by students.
We strongly recommend requesting tutoring for any of your courses, particularly for freshmen and sophomores. How well you succeed academically in these first two years can have a significantly positive effect on your remaining years.
It is much easier to receive tutoring early and find that you are doing well enough not to need it for the remainder of the semester, than to find yourself still floundering in the course mid-semester and expecting to get back on course!
All tutoring in TRIO is by appointment. We schedule your sessions, generally at least twice each week, based on your and the tutor’s schedules. Early requests for tutoring mean that you will most likely get the schedule you want!
If we are unable to find a tutor for you or there is no tutor available at the times you have provided, there are other campus locations where you can find tutoring, the Learning Enhancement Center or the Harbert Writing Center.
Apply to be a Tutor
If you are looking for a flexible part time job, enjoy helping others, and are a strong student, you should consider becoming a tutor for the TRIO SSS Program.
- You must be a currently enrolled UM student with an overall GPA of a 3.0 or higher with an “A” or a “B” in the course(s) you would like to tutor.
- Each semester, tutors are required to complete training activities to help provide the knowledge and tools necessary to have the most beneficial tutoring experience possible. These activities are compensated.
- Recommendation from a UM faculty member.
- Dependability, good interpersonal skills, a positive attitude, and interest in helping students be successful with their classes.
- Flexible working schedule that adjusts depending on your school and other commitments.
- Salary of $9 per hour.
- Excellent experience to list on your résumé, especially if you are interested in a career in education or graduate school.
- Making a difference and helping students.
Please contact Meg Ruggiero, Academic Coordinator, at mruggier@lcsgxgy.com for more information; or call 205.665.6294.
Peer Coaching Program
Peer Coaches act as personal contact for new freshmen and transfer students who are adjusting to college life at the University of Montevallo. Each new participant is matched with a Peer Coach once they have been admitted to the program.
The Peer Coaches support their “coachees” in honing time management skills to better utilize time, prioritize commitments and meet deadlines. They draw from their own experience at UM as well as from their training to inform and guide newer students who are transitioning from their previous educational environment to the UM campus community.
Our Peer Coaches are selected, trained, and managed by the Academic Coordinator and receive ongoing training throughout the year.
Apply to be a Peer Coach
- Be a currently enrolled UM student with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
- Be an active participant in TRIO SSS.
- Two recommendations, at least one from a UM faculty member.
- A broad knowledge of campus resources
- Dependability, good interpersonal skills, a positive attitude, and interest in helping students navigate their first year at UM.
- Flexible working schedule that adjusts depending on your school and other commitments.
- A $400 stipend, generally about $200 each semester.
- Adequate time to devote to serving as a peer coach
- Making a difference and helping students.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of these workshops and seminars. If you are unable to attend, you can still get credit by viewing our online workshops in Canvas and completing the Activity Sheet.