Welcome to University Outreach, supporting and promoting civic engagement, service-learning and community-based partnerships. We are a resource for faculty, staff, students and community partners who are interested in working together to make the world a better place.

Faculty Fellows
Faculty members interested in delving deeper into community engagement including forging community partnerships, understanding how to connect engagement to scholarship and developing service-learning courses are invited to apply to become a Faculty Fellow. Five faculty members are chosen each year to participate in this fellowship program which includes focused training, brown bag lunch chats, and opportunities to participate in professional conferences. Each faculty member selected for this honor is provided with a modest stipend upon completion of their year of immersion in the world of community engagement. Applications available upon request.

Service-Learning In a Box
Experiential learning brings courses to life, enabling students to better understand real-world application of course content and connecting them to likely employers. University Outreach has a modular curriculum available that guides interested faculty members through the development of robust service-learning courses based upon current best practices. Through this training, faculty will be introduced to evidence-based practices, community partners, colleagues with similar interests and community based experiences that allow them to more deeply connect their course content to the world of practice. If interested, please contact University Outreach by emailing us at the link below.

SLACE Committee
Comprised of faculty, staff, students, and community partners, the Service Learning and Community Engagement committee supports the integration of service activities into the academic curriculum through the development of service-learning courses and other co-curricular experiences. SLACE members also set the agenda for university programming related to engagement and assist in promoting all community engagement activities on and off campus. A list of members as well as the full committee charge can be accessed through this link. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please email Faculty Senate or contact University Outreach by emailing us at the link below.

Community Partners
The University of Montevallo has forged relationships with agencies throughout Shelby County and beyond. Community partners are at the heart of our University Outreach activities. Through these relationships, our university students have the opportunity to apply the content they have learned in the classroom to support and improve the community. Click the link below to access a listing of agencies that invite university faculty, staff, and students to support them and volunteer regularly. You may contact the agency directly to inquire about specific opportunities, or you may request assistance from UM outreach.

Focused Support
University Outreach staff are eager to serve as partners with you in your outreach efforts. Services include serving as a guest speaker in your course, presenting topics to your students such as the value of community service, local, regional, and national service opportunities and reviewing recognitions that are awarded on a regular basis. Additionally, the Director of University Outreach is happy to meet with faculty members individually to assist with service-learning course development with our other outreach interests. Feel free to contact the office to schedule an appointment anytime at the link below.

Professors at the University of Montevallo have the freedom to focus on their areas of expertise as well as delve into other areas of interest. Sustainability often attracts those with adventuresome spirits and a commitment to the greater good. Faculty interested in sustainability are invited to participate in sustainability training and encouraged to develop Environmental Studies courses. Connecting students to community partners through these experiences truly makes the content come to life and offers students the opportunity to broaden their practical and professional horizons. Visit the sustainability webpage to learn more.